Daily Zen Library
Enlightenment Unfolds: The Essential Teachings of Zen Master Dogen
Enlightenment Unfolds is a sequel to Kaz Tanahashi's previous collection, Moon in a Dewdrop, which has become a primary source on Dogen for Western Zen students. Dogen Zenji (1200-1253) is unquestionably the most significant religious figure in Japanese history. Founder of the Soto school of Zen (which emphasizes the practice of zazen or sitting meditation), he was a prolific writer whose works have remained popular for six hundred years. Enlightenment Unfolds presents even more of the incisive and inspiring writings of this seminal figure, focusing on essays from his great life work, Treasury of the True Dharma Eye , as well as poems, talks, and correspondence, much of which appears here in English for the first time
Quarantine Friendship
Friends safe at any distance! Meet Zoltran and Yanet, our new Quarantine companions. Always a pleasure to have around and while looks may deceive, their affect is never wooden!...
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