Daily Zen Library

Attaining the Way – A Guide to the Practice of Chan Buddhism

This is an inspiring guide to the practice of Chan (Chinese Zen) in the words of four great masters of that tradition. It includes teachings from contemporary masters Xuyun and Sheng Yen, and from Jiexian and Boshan of the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644). Though the texts were written over a period of hundreds of years, they are all remarkably lucid and are perfect for beginners as well as more advanced practitioners today. All the main points of spiritual practice are covered: philosophical foundations, methods, approaches to problems and obstacles—all aimed at helping the student attain the way to enlightenment.


Keep your awareness front and center with a list of things you need to do Now... Sketch that mountain scene with the craggy tree.  Pen your creative lines of poetry.  This custom calligraphy from our poster gallery is now available as an empty book. ...

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